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A massive game of Warhammer like this, with several players and huge armies, takes a lot of effort to put together. |
Well the
battle is over, the report is written, and it's finally time to step
back and take stock after the Battle of Hel Fenn (actually, I started
writing this article weeks ago, so by now it is well past time
for us to take a look back). This was the most ambitious thing our
gaming group has ever tried to do, and to be honest it's resulted in
the largest (at the very least, the longest) battle report I've ever
seen. I'm delighted with how it all worked out in the end, and as a
whole I would say the project was a success. However, there are
always things to be learnt from an exercise like this, so I thought
I'd take a look at what went right, and what could be done better in
the future.
What worked (more or less)
who has ever tried to get a group of gamers together to play a very
large game will know that there is a lot of preparation involved.
Making sure everyone can be there at the same time and that there
will be enough time to play the game can be difficult enough. We
managed this reasonably well, but there were other considerations in
this case. I actually wrote both of the lists to be used on the day,
working from rough inventories of the various painted armies we had
available. The lists had to be worked out in advance, or we would
have wasted half a day with that before we could even look at
starting to deploy.
Also, by
controlling both lists I was able to try to curb any serious excesses
that might have destroyed the balance of the game, and tweak as I
felt necessary. For instance, the Empire and Dwarfs ended up with
minor characters scattered throughout the army, largely so that they
could carry magical weapons as a counter to the dangers posed by
Ethereal units on the other side. I'll talk later about whether that
paid off, but it was a serious consideration.
With the
lists and scenario all drawn up beforehand, it kept things reasonably
simple on the day. People got there, pulled out their models, setup,
and played. Well, it wasn't quite that simple. We had to lay out a
large battlefield (in this case 12x6', or 3 normal 6x4' tables side
by side) and distribute the terrain. Owen actually spent a fair bit
of time repainting some of the damaged sections on our hills so that
they would look OK for the photos.
attitude of all of the players involved was great, and was one of the
keys to the game's success. Everyone turned up wanting the game to
work, and for a decent story to unfold. To that end we had things
like me not aiming cannons at Mannfred from turn 1, and people
helping each other out to make sure the game flowed OK. The Dwarf
flank was controlled by Aaron, who had probably only played a dozen
games of 8th edition Warhammer, whilst the Empire right
flank was under the command of Dene, who had played none at all!
Whilst this probably meant neither flank was controlled as well as it
might have been, there were impartial observers and even opponents
lending a hand to ensure the knowledge gaps were covered and the game
could go on.
whole player attitude thing is probably one of the biggest keys to
success for a major undertaking like this. It's far too easy to
organise a big game, get everyone there, and then have a blow-out as
difference in playing ability or army composition (or even luck)
destroys the game balance and results in the battle itself being a
complete fizzer. In this case, it was clear that nobody really cared
who won – everyone was more interested in it all working. I think
this made a huge difference to how things worked out.
effort afterward
Once the
game had been completed, there was a lot of effort involved in
preparing the report and getting it online. I confess, I found it
hard going at times. It would have been easy just to pour lots of
photos onto the net (and if I felt generous, to add captions to try
to give the game shape), but I wanted a proper battle report, and
that was always going to take more effort. The day after the big
game, a few of us connected the PC to a TV and wasted a few hours
going through renaming half the photos, dismissing some and cropping
or tweaking others. I did the rest on my own later, once I got them
from the other camera. Then there was the hours I spent putting
together all the maps, which was partly to ensure that I knew what
was going on, and would be able to write about it for the report
proper. The 17,000 words of report took me a few days to write, but
at least by that point I had something to show for it as I was
posting the report up turn-by-turn online. I'm very happy with the
final product and I feel like we achieved what we set out to, so in
all it's a success. But it did feel like a hard slog for a while, and
it felt like it took me far longer than just over a week to start
posting the turns. This can probably be partly attributed to people
asking me how it was going.
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Maps like these are essential to understanding what's going on, but they take time to prepare. |
other thing that probably had me feeling the pinch was that during
the game itself, a number of photos were put online by observers and
they generated a fair bit of interest. The updates included some of
the events of the game, but the final results were deliberately
withheld. I think this was a good idea, but it meant I felt like I
needed to get things up quickly, or people would either get
impatient, or forget about it and cease to care. I would probably try
to avoid this situation in future.
The size
of the game
I have
always said that 8th edition felt like it was made to
encourage larger games of Warhammer, and I think this game reinforces
it, to a point. The large regiments worked well, and the game flowed
pretty smoothly. We never really got bogged down by anything, once we
had pulled all the models out and were ready to set up. One of the
things people ask when they see something like this is, “oh man,
how long did the game take?” The game itself probably took around
10 hours, if you don't count the time taken to get it ready and pack
up, and the breaks for lunch and dinner. At times I think some people
felt like we were playing at a pretty rapid pace, but to be honest I
was fairly comfortable throughout. We had nominally set aside time
the following day, in case things dragged on and needed to be carried
over. We hadn't really decided when we were going to stop playing on
the first day, and figured we'd wing it a bit. In the end as the
evening wore on, it became apparent that we could get it done by
about midnight, so we pushed on through. Of course, that meant we
were packing up until 2am. But it left the following day free, so I
think everyone was happy with that approach.
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I like to move it, move it: Just a few of the movement trays that were pulled out for the game. |
rather impressive that it's possible to set up, play and pack up a
20,000 point game in a single day, but it does make for a very, very
long day. Anything larger will doubtless be spread over 2 days. We
know what to expect now.
What didn't really work
deployment/army distribution
upon which account of the Battle of Hel Fenn that you read, the
allied forces of the Empire and Dwarfs were not necessarily all
present at the start of the battle. Some accounts talk of the Empire
centre trying to hold things up whilst the Dwarfs move into position
to support, and some talk of the cavalry force (and in particular the
Knights of the Divine Sword) arriving late and swinging the momentum
of the struggle. Then there are versions that talk of Count Martin
deliberately holding back some of his forces (including the cream of
his cavalry) from the initial stages, which could again account for
their late arrival.
toying with a number of different approaches, I decided to ignore the
reinforcement aspect of the battle and keep things simple. It also
meant all the armies were on the table to start the battle, which
helps reinforce the scale of the fight. Instead, I tried distributing
the composition of the forces (in particular on the Empire and Dwarf
side) in a representative manner. I put the Dwarfs on the left flank,
which is generally where the different accounts have them, regardless
of whether they arrived late or were there for the start. I put
almost all of the cavalry on the right flank, trying to suggest that
they had all arrived together immediately before hostilities
commenced, without having time to properly coordinate themselves with
the waiting infantry. I made a vague effort to respond to this with
the Vampire Counts, in particular putting Gothard and his Black
Knights opposite the Divine Sword, as I wanted a confrontation
between them (although it didn't really happen). My main focus was in
trying to spread the points and bulk of the undead relatively evenly
between the players.
When it
actually came time to deploy, we were not too strict on where things
went. People generally obeyed the lists that I had written out, but
there was a little swapping going on in terms of units moving about.
The most obvious problem arose around the fort (actually a fortified
farm in the stories) on the Empire side, which was meant to be
anchoring the Empire right flank. However, with the cavalry all over
there, the building would have been useless and empty. Instead, we
put it toward the centre, anchoring the flank of the infantry element
of the army. What this really did was cramp my deployment zone, quite
a lot. In the end I started shoving units onto the flanks, because
they simply would not fit in the centre. The redistribution of the
infantry wasn't really important, but it was improvisation brought on
by a slight lack of planning. I only saw the fort in the flesh for
the first time on the day (Owen only finished it a few days
beforehand), and I didn't really allow for its footprint during
slightly frantic and not-so-carefully thought out deployment of the
armies came back to bite the Empire and Dwarfs a bit during the game.
The Steam Tanks being on the front line probably seemed like a good
idea, but once they get bogged, they have real trouble getting moving
again. This saw the Empire cavalry get choked without ever really
getting a decent charge off, and I think this was slightly
unfortunate. It would have looked much better having them hurl
themselves across the field at the enemy. The Dwarfs wound up with
their BSB almost hugging the table edge, meaning he was well away
from the bulk of his forces. He was also leading 50 Longbeards (the
most powerful regiment on that flank), and they ended up too close to
the edge and had to reform deep and waste their time trying to wade
through an endless tide of Zombies. These things were not actually a
problem with the scenario or the game as a whole – they were just a
legacy of less than perfect deployment, and a couple of rusty players
with a whole lot to think about.
along the allied lines, another problem made itself apparent. With so
many large units in play, lines of sight can become a mess. It ended
up being a real problem for the artillery and missile units in the
centre. We had some big hills, but there were troops standing on the
front who obscured the lines of sight for those trying to fire from
behind. What we really needed was some multi-layered hills. No doubt
players who don't use artillery would question why they should get an
advantage such as this, but given that the Empire held a strong
defensive position during the battle and it's a bit bizarre for some
Cannons to spend half the game no firing for want of a target, I
think it would have made sense.
photos and notes (sort of)
the battle, we had several people taking photos (5 more more
different people over the course of the game) and at least one
dedicated scribe at any point in time. We ended up with 3 different
cameras taking the shots, although none of them were anything fancy
(2 8MP smartphone cameras and an iPad). Unfortunately, for all that
this sounds like enough, we found ourselves stretched. The batteries
of the phones we were using as cameras took a hiding, and rather than
having multiple cameras on the go at once, we often had one doing the
work whilst the other tried to recover on a charge cable. It meant we
got fewer shots than planned, and when many of them didn't work out
(due to blurriness, bad lighting, and a few cases of the photographer
not realising that photos taken with the digital zoom on come out
completely pants), we were left with some gaps.
is something we're still learning about as we do battle reports. We
got our hands on a couple of basic lighting rigs before the game, but
didn't really fiddle with them until the day itself. I don't think we
used them to their best effect, and we will need more practice there.
Some photos could have come out a lot better if we had better
mastered the lighting. In the end we got some good photos, a lot of
OK ones, and a hell of a lot of poor ones. We need to work on
improving our success rate.
notes ended up being patchy in places, because in a game this size, a
lot is happening. Often there were effectively 3 battles happening at
once (with all of the players doing things simultaneously). Tracking
that is difficult. The final report was a combination of going
through the notes and comparing them with the photos (including
terrible ones that nobody else ever saw) to ensure I understood what
really happened. In the end it worked OK, but failing to get the
important details down was a danger and something we know to watch
for next time.
the fact that I was writing all of the lists meant that silly broken
combinations were avoided, there still ended up being some game
balance problems. The ridiculous unit of Ghouls (led by a Stigoi
Ghoul King) seemed like a funny idea on paper, but when it was lined
up against the Dwarfs, I realised we had a problem (the problem was
compounded by the unit growing from 120 models to 144 on the day due
to a bit of undead reshuffling). The Dwarfs couldn't take that unit –
it was going to smash them. The only thing that could slow them down
was Empire Knights. I ended up putting Martin's unit over to the left
of centre and on the front lines specifically to try to counter the
Ghouls, although I never got through to them. The Ghouls didn't have
the impact they could have because that flank ended up getting bogged
behind its own piecemeal units, but there was a real danger that they
would steam-roll the Dwarf army.
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How many Ghouls? This unit was so massive that the Dwarfs really didn't have an answer for it... |
the biggest problem however, was Ethereal units. I'd been worried
about this going into the game and had liberally distributed magic
weapons to try to counter their influence, and prevent small handfuls
of Wraiths from bogging massive allied regiments for the whole game.
We deliberately limited how many Ethereal units were on the table,
and this helped. In the end however, the Dwarfs in particular found
themselves stuck in fights they couldn't win, and were just buying
time with their lives. There was only one unit of Wraiths on the
other flank, and they accounted for the War Altar and 2 Steam Tanks
all by themselves. Granted, a single Banishment from the Altar could
have resolved the issue, but Dene couldn't get the spell through with
6 dice at every opportunity. Normally the Ethereals wouldn't be such
a concern, but with the scenario blocking the Empire from fielding
Wizards, the lack of attacking spells increased their threat. They
didn't ruin the game, but they could easily have done so if we hadn't
been wary of them.
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Wraiths demonstrate the impotence of a Steam Tank against Ethereal opposition. |
The unity of the game
One of the reasons you arrange for more than one player on a given side in large games is to speed things up. On a huge table when an enormous number of units in play, many things can happen simultaneously without really affecting each other. In this respect, having 6 players worked well. There is no way that 2 people could have played the game itself in 10 hours.
However, the speed comes at a price. As soon as players are doing things simultaneously, they become incapable of tracking what is happening elsewhere. The players at either end of the table rarely knew what was going on up the other end. This is somewhat inevitable, but it's not a desirable thing. Having players in charge of specific units on a particular section of the table also means that the battle can splinter into what is effectively several distinct games. It's difficult to avoid, and something I recall Jervis Johnson writing about in the past. His suggestion was to ensure you play on a table that emphasises depth as much as width, as this forces units to overlap and mixes things together. I think it's a sound policy, and we tried to put it into action a bit, but there are limits. It's not like players were not talking to each other, and everyone was watching during the climactic moments with Mannfred toward the end, but there were still limits in terms of how well the forces blended things into a single, unified game.
On the bright side, this all meant that the players themselves were discovering exactly what happened when they read the report for the first time. There is a novelty in that, and I guess it's one of the benefits of reporting the game thoroughly. There is also an element of realism in a general on one part of the field not necessarily knowing what's going on elsewhere, but that is not necessarily something players are looking for when playing a game of Warhammer.
playing surface
Over the
last month or so there has been a lot of positive feedback about the
game from various quarters, in particular on the Warseer forums. One
suggestion that we'll run with is that using simple painted boards
really detracted from the overall presentation. Whilst this was
largely a practicality thing, I still think we will make an effort to
address this the next time we try something really big. That,
combined with some backdrops and a better command of lighting (and
better quality control with the pictures) would go a long way to
lifting the final product.
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Whilst practical for gaming, a shiny brown table is not the ideal surface from a presentation perspective. |
We'll be back
I think everyone who was involved in Hel Fenn felt a sense of
achievement by the end, and is pretty happy with what we produced.
That doesn't mean we can't do better next time we organise something
huge. And it's fair to say that there will definitely be a next time.
Grinning fools: Not everyone who was involved in the game, but a large number of us. Many hands make light work, eh? |
I wish I could try something like this with friends, but I only have around 1500 points of models all told and am still working on convincing my friends to get armies.
ReplyDeleteNever mind. Most people don't have armies the size of what you see here - even established players. Once they get to a normal sort of size (2000-3000 points), many prefer to branch out to another race rather than keep building their existing force.
DeleteAnd remember, we all have to start somewhere.