is the fifth part of my series of posts covering my time playing
Warhammer at Cancon 2014. You can find the previous game here.
the last game had dropped me back to a record of 2 wins and 2 losses,
which was still acceptable. I could still achieve all my fairly
modest goals from here...
5, Blood and Glory
Blanche, Ogre Kingdoms
not going to lie to you. It's now about a month since I played these
games, and some details are going to completely escape me. Now I
think about Jack's list, I am extremely vague about the details. I'll
do what I can, but bear in mind that what follows is probably mostly
- Tyrant with Armour of Destiny, Great Weapon (maybe)
- Bruiser (BSB) with Talisman of Preservation, Enchanted Shield (I think?)
- Firebelly (Level 2) with maybe a Dispel Scroll. He had something, I know it...
- Hunter with Sword of Striking, Longstrider, probably some other stuff
- 6 Ironguts with full command, maybe a Banner of Disipline or Swiftness
- 3 Ogres with 2 hand weapons
- 3 Ogres with 2 hand weapons
- 40 Gnoblar Trappers
- 5 Sabretusks
- 4 Maneaters with Scout, Immune to Psychology, Ogre Pistol, full command, Banner of Eternal Flame
- Ironblaster
- Scraplauncher
- Scraplauncher
that doesn't reach 2400 points, so I have clearly missed some gear on
the characters. This is roughly what the list looked like. I'd like
to point out that Jack is a real man who puts a Hunter into a proper
unit of Sabretusks, rather than doing the typical Ogre thing of
fielding multiple units of 1. It's possible Swedish comp was to
blame, but I like it anyway.
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How deployment looked. |
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Scouting Maneaters off to my left. |
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The Ogre centre, with a long, thin line of Gnoblars at the front. |
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Blurry, sneaky Ogres over to my right. I recall them being less blurry in real life. |
table was a bit of a mess for this game, with a couple of buildings
pretty close together, and a sizeable forest and a small lake adding
to the congestion in the centre of the table. It would have been less
of a problem for people with less cavalry, but it meant my advance
was going to be somewhat restricted. Jack deployed his 3 characters
in the Ironguts near the back of his deployment zone, possibly in
reaction to my aggressive deployment pushing to the front of my 15”
allowance. His Gnoblars went 20 wide in front, with the 3 war
machine-toting Rhinoxen all around. Some Ogres went wide to my right,
around the end building. More stuff went to my left, with the
scouting Maneaters lurking off my flank behind yet another house, and
the Hunter leading his Sabretusks in a pretty tame vanguard move
toward my Flagellants. It was like he didn't want them charged or
something. Since when have charging Flagellants hurt anyone?
I think I went first and had a crack at an enormous charge with the
Flagellants against the Sabretusks (might have needed a 10 or 11 on
the dice). I didn't even come close, and they staggered forward about
2”. This was probably better than them going 6”, which might have
exposed too much of their flank to the Maneaters around the building.
The rest of my lines pushed forward, and my Wizard Lord commenced a
series of boosting Speed of Light with irresistible force. Don't know
what was with her that game, but she was seriously keen.
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My White Wolves head at best speed for the enemy lines, whilst sneaky Ogres come around behind them. |
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My Flagellants failed a charge off the bat, but failed so badly that they gave the Maneaters little space to respond. |
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The centre during the Ogres' first turn. |
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The Ogres disrespect my fearsome doggies, probably just looking to buy things some time. |
Jack's turn he charged a unit of Ogres into the front of my
Demigryphs, before advancing behind them with the long, thin wall of
Gnoblars. The Maneaters and Sabretusks decided against charging the
Flagellants now that they were WS and Initiative 10. This was
possibly a mistake on the part of the Maneaters, as pinning the unit
and dropping their flail bonus with a flank charge (and maybe even
knocking off Frenzy) would have basically nullified their
effectiveness in the game. The second unit of Ogres swung around the
tower on my right flank, looking at my White Wolf Knights as they
headed for the gap between the buildings. One of the Scraplaunchers
wandered out in line with the White Wolves and knocked a few off with
an accurate shot (and some predictably poor saves from me).
charging Ogres got soundly thrashed by my buffed unit of Demigryphs
and were wiped out. This left me free to charge the Gnoblars in my
turn, which I decided to do. The White Wolves charged the
Scraplauncher that had shot them and made the distance, effectively
eluding the flanking Ogres in the process. I pushed forward with the
Inner Circle Knights past the Demigryphs, despite the fact that it
presented a flank to the Sabretusks. I figured they would almost
certainly hold against such a charge, and the Flagellants had shifted
their angle to ensure they would be nearby for a rescue, and to make
sure any charge from the Maneaters would be in their front (ie pretty
much suicidal). Once again the Wizard threw an irresistible boosted
Speed of Light, meaning my units were super speedy and skilful for
another turn.
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The Demigryphs charge the Gnoblars |
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The depleted White Wolves hit the Scraplauncher. Very gently. |
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The Flagellants act a little more responsibly, and ensure they are not offering a flank charge whilst covering the flank of the Knights. |
things were pretty much under control at this point. Unfortunately
the White Wolves embarrassed themselves against the Scraplauncher and
couldn't land a telling blow. For about 4 or 5 rounds of combat. Such
mad skillz. Happily they were able to pass break tests, because they
were testing just about every turn. Brave but useless.
Demigryphs were predictably brutal against the Gnoblars, but somewhat
unexpectedly (read: stupidly freakishly), the Gnoblars killed one of
my monstrous cavalry outright in return! That's 3 wounds, hitting on
5+, wounding on 6+, against a 1+ armour save. I think on average it
should take 108 such attacks to inflict a single wound. He had more
like a dozen attacks and did 3. Sigh. So I lost a quarter of my unit,
and was no longer so convinced that things were well in hand when I
pursued and caught the Gnoblars, carrying on into the flank of the
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I have flanked the Gutstar! Seemed like a better idea when I had more doggies... |
responded by charging the second Scraplauncher into the flank of the
Demigryphs, and the Ironblaster into the rear. His Firebelly then
went berserk and blew himself up casting (I think) Flame Cage on my
White Wolves. He killed an Irongut and wounded another as he went,
although he also did 2 wounds to the Demigryphs, which was not ideal.
The Gorger arrived and looked pointedly at the flank of the White
Wolves. His contribution would eventually ensure that my unit broke
and fled. Eventually. It was a combat made of fail, really.
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It was such a nice plan before it all went wrong... |
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A Gorger! Where did he come from? |
Sabretusks did indeed charge into the flank of my Inner Circle
Knights, however my unit held easily and turned to face. The
Maneaters decided they wanted nothing to do with my Flagellants and
instead walked into the house behind them.
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The Sabretusks take the bait and flank my Knights, but I hold my ground. |
Demigryph combat went poorly. I think I lost the wounded guy to
impact hits, then with only 2 Demigryphs to fight, they couldn't do
enough damage to threaten anyone or even hold their position. They
were destroyed, and my centre was suddenly faced with numerous
pursuing Rhinoxen and Ogres.
my third turn the Flagellants executed their plan pretty well,
crashing into the flank of the Sabretusks and killing the lot of
them. The Hunter was left testing on snake eyes and ran off, getting
run down by both of my units.
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The Flagellants complete their rescue. I don't actually remember how my little Knight unit managed to overtake the Inner Circle Knights - I'm sure they were to their right a minute ago... |
this point my photos become few and far between, which means we're
down to my memory. So it all gets a little vague. The Hurricanum was
destroyed by a charge from the Scraplauncher (I think), and this
panicked my idiot Arch Lector despite him being within range of my
BSB. So instead of orchestrating a counter-charge, he was busy
rallying in the forest and getting rear-charged by the Maneaters who
had emerged from the building. He didn't last long, as his -1 to hit
and 2+ ward vs flaming attacks proved no protection from the unit
champion (Jack even split his attacks in a clear show of contempt for
my ability to pass saves – arrogant, yet eerily accurate). Without
its rider I think the War Altar held for a turn before dying. The
Maneaters then carried on into the flank of my Flagellants as they
looked to re-enter the contest. They got done in pretty spectacular
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The Scraplauncher made short work of the Hurricanum. |
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The Flagellants got flanked when the War Altar finished embarrassing itself even faster than expected. |
Wizards had ended up leaving their little bodyguard unit of Knights,
and at some point a panic test hit the Beast Wizard. He fled off to
the right of the field (all alone), and failed multiple rally tests
before departing the field. Or maybe he drowned in the lake. Whatever
it was, he was gone.
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The table in the late stages. The Flagellants are already gone - they were to the right of that building (which is full of Ogres). |
Gutstar moved into the building in the centre as my units started to
recover from dealing with the Sabretusks, and I wound up charging
them with my second unit of Flagellants. They put in an impressive
performance and killed the unit champion and half-killed the Tyrant.
Unfortunately the Ogres held due to Stubborn, so my unit was pushed
back – right as my White Wolves finally broke and were destroyed by
the Scraplauncher and Gorger. This freed up the Ogre units for a
charge on one flank of the disengaged Flagellants, whilst the
flanking Ogre unit swung around into their other flank. With a fairly
impressive display of impact hits and stomping, I lost the entire
unit to the charge.
think I killed at least one of the Scraplaunchers with Shem's Burning
Gaze before my Wizard Lord finally killed herself with miscasts (she
did all 3 wounds to herself over time), but then the Maneaters
finished off the Flagellants and caught up with the Inner Circle
Knights, and the game was over. I think all I had left was the
remnants of the little Knight unit, huddling over on the left flank.
game had been a bit of a disaster. I had killed a few things,
including the Hunter and his Sabretusks, the Gnoblars, one or two
Scraplaunchers, some Ogres and the Firebelly, but the Blood and Glory
bonuses ensured the result was one to forget...
game had been rather depressing. Things had fallen apart in a number
of small ways that had taken me from a promising position to a
disastrous one. At least my Wizard Lord had been enthusiastic
throughout – fatally so. Jack instructed me to go and buy new dice
before the next round, and so did someone else who had been watching
– so I went and found some nice purple and white dice to match my
army. Surely now the mojo would be all mine! Time would tell...
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