in the Bronx is over, and despite being exhausted for the entire
weekend (too much late night painting and modelling will do that to
you), I had a great time. Despite my doubts, I did manage to get my
entire army ready in time for the tournament, so apart from not
getting anywhere near enough sleep, I was all prepared for the event.
shown my list before, but here it is again for convenience:
Mournfang Cavalry
Sabretusk Pack
Army Cost: 1999pts
I ended
up getting a 7 out of 10 for composition, meaning the panel had
deemed my list to be pretty rubbish. The reasons for this were that I
wasn't really using any of the generally acknowledged strengths of
the Ogre list, apart from an Ironblaster. My flying Tyrant and Hunter
meant I couldn't pour all my characters into a single “Gutstar”
unit. I had little magic and no dispel scroll. All my Sabretusks were
in a single unit rather than running around separately as dirt cheap
annoyances. And my Mournfangs had great weapons, meaning they were
not very well protected. All good reasons to doubt my army could do
the business, but I was pretty happy with the high comp score anyway.
My 2000 point empire-themed Ogre army. |
used an unusual scoring system. Instead of the 20-0 system which is
most common in this part of the world, the score range was 16-0 (with
8-8 being a draw). In addition to this however, both players had to
choose a “boast” at the start of each game. Achieving your stated
boast got you an additional 2 battle points, whilst denying your
opponent their boast got you another 2. You couldn't use the same
boast twice in the event – you had to use all 6 once. So the total
possible score was still 20, before comp. Unusually, comp modifiers
could push you above 20 points for the round, although you couldn't
get less than 0.
Here is
my account of the event. As usual, most army lists will be from
memory, so forgive me if they're not entirely correct. I've got 130 photos to post all told, so I'll be splitting the games up into separate posts to help make the pages load OK. The venue was quite dark, so you'll have to forgive my amateurish efforts to take photos under the conditions.