Hellebron stalked through the burning human village, a scowl of dissatisfaction upon her face. Blood dripped from the blades she carried in either hand, but it did nothing to brighten her mood. She had been persuaded to launch this raid upon the northern Empire town of Bumpkin with the promise of a large population with weak defences. It was a certain slaughter. She and her sisters would bathe in an ocean of blood. The mere thought of it had been enough to get her ancient, withered heart racing.
She should have known the promises were too good to be true. By the time her forces had landed near the town, the humans had already raised the alarm, and many had fled inland, preferring to take their chances with the dangers of the forests than standing to face the fate awaiting them at the merciless hands of the Druchii. The town was still defended by a combination of soldiers and militia, however they were relatively few in number and the fight was over quickly. Worse; they had stood their ground bravely and died fighting. There had been precious few victims left for the Khainites to torment and murder in a satisfying manner.
With most of the town's inhabitants long gone and no real sport to be found, Hellebron had been forced to draw what satisfaction she could from murdering the odd litter of adorable puppies that had been left behind. Even this had done little to lift her spirits. With so little bloodshed to be enjoyed, the frown furrowing her brow at that moment would likely be stuck there permanently. She could almost feel her youthful complexion fading as her aggitation increased. If should could not revel in a true slaughter, the least she could do was to enjoy a little more suffering. Perhaps she should torture her scouts who had brought her on this fruitless expedition in the first place. And then maybe they could take a detour on the way home, and find some cute little baby seals to destroy.
The thought of making something cute and cuddly suffer lifted her mood somewhat, as one of her scouts (who would soon be suffering terribly at her hand) hurried toward her. "My queen," he saluted. "Another force of soldiers approaches. It seems they have ridden to try to relieve the town. The human Emperor's personal standard flies with them."
In spite of her previous brooding, Hellebron could not help but smile wickedly at this news. Perhaps she would have a chance to cause some real suffering today, after all.
KF Karl Franz, The EmperorBarded Warhorse, Full Plate Armour, Ghal Maraz, Silver Seal394 points
GtW Godot the WhiteWizard Lord (Level 4, Lore of Light) with Talisman of Endurance230 points
LS Ludwig SchwartzhelmBarded Warhorse, the Emperor's Standard, Sword of Justice, Full Plate Armour185 points
SF Sir FlappypantsCaptain on Pegasus with Full Plate Armour, Shield, Lance, Dragonhelm, Swift as the Winds140 points
Sp SparkyBattle Wizard (Level 1, Lore of Fire) with Dispel Scroll90 points
KIC 10 Knights of the Inner CircleBarded Steeds, Full Plate Armour, Lances, Shields, Full Command280 points
Hal 39 HalberdiersHalberds, Light Armour, Standard, Musician254 points
SDet 15 Swordsman DetachmentLight Armour, Shields105 points
ADet 5 Archer DetachmentBows35 points
Wolf 4 WolfygryphsDemigryph Knights with Full Plate Armour, Lances, Shields, Standard, Musician252 points
RK 5 Reiksguard KnightsBarded Steeds, Full Plate Armour, Lances, Shields, Standard, Musician155 points
ST Steam Tank250 points
CH Celestial Hurricanum130 points
Total: 2500 points
I considered a few different armies,
however most of my options were going to struggle to compete against
Nick’s force, so I ended up sticking with the Empire, which had the
best options. I then set about constructing a list that was slightly
more powerful than what I might normally use, in an effort to give us
an even game.
I decided to lead my army with Karl
Franz on a warhorse as he is about the most capable combat character
available to the Empire. Ghal Maraz would be slightly wasted against
most of Nick’s army, but it’s what I have on the model so I paid
the points to replace the Runefang anyway. I still had enough Lord
points left for a Level 4 Light Wizard, which I figured would be
essential if I was going to give my units a chance of standing up to
Nick’s larger combat blocks (and try to reduce Hellebron’s
fearsome effectiveness).
As capable as Karl Franz is, I then
undermined this somewhat by taking Ludwig Schwartzhelm as my BSB. I
figured the Emperor wouldn’t go into battle without his personal
champion, so it only made sense. Unfortunately Ludwig is “not all
that” defensively, so I figured he might not make it through the
I originally planned to include a
Warrior Priest (possibly Luthor Huss) in my list, however as I tried
to squeeze other things in, he failed to make the cut. I did put in a
Level 1 Fire Wizard with a Dispel Scroll in the hope of fending off a
nasty blast of Searing Doom from the Dark Elf Sorceress, whilst
potentially knocking off some of the lighter targets in Nick’s list
with his Fireball (or even just whittling down the larger combat
What started as a large unit of Inner
Circle Knights was eventually trimmed back to just 10 models, however
I did throw in a unit of 5 Reiksguard later to give me some options.
40 Halberdiers helped fill out the Core requirement, and they brought
detachments of 15 Swordsmen and 5 Archers with them. I hoped to make
use of the detachments either to control the game a bit, or at least
as a slightly safer place in which to hide my wizards.
4 Demigryph Knights and a Steam Tank
were essential choices for the list, giving me a more resilient spine
with which to engage the Dark Elves. They wouldn’t slow down
Hellebron much, but she and the Lore of Metal promised to be the only
real threats to them. Finally I put in a Hurricanum. It would help me
in combat a bit, but the main reason I wanted it was to boost my
magic phase a bit. I would need enough power dice to help me force
through Speed of Light or Timewarp at the critical moment.
Of course, this plan was messed up
somewhat when I rolled abysmally for my spells, and rolled neither
Speed of Light or Timewarp with my Wizard Lord. Thankfully there was
a double in there, so I was able to swap for Speed of Light, but it
meant I had no back-up if Nick managed to stop it. Oh well, the plan
could still work – it would just be a bit more risky…
- MD Metalla DevilleSupreme Sorceress (Level 4, Lore of Metal) with Book of Ashur290 points
Hel HellebronLunatic Elf Chick310 points
BSB Battle Standard BearerMaster with Sword of Might, Enchanted Shield, Dawnstone, Heavy Armour, Sea Dragon Cloak153 points
TLR The Lone RangerMaster on Dark Steed with Dragonhelm, Heavy Armour, Halberd, Sea Dragon Cloak100 points
WE 30 Witch ElvesAdditional Hand Weapons, Full Command, Razor Standard405 points
D 10 DarkshardsRepeater Crossbows, Light Armour, Shields, Standard, Musician150 points
DR1 5 Dark Riders 1Light Armour, Shields, Spears, Repeater Crossbows100 points
DR2 5 Dark Riders 2Light Armour, Shields, Spears, Repeater Crossbows100 points
Ex 21 ExecutionersGreat Weapons, Heavy Armour, Full Command282 points
COK 5 Cold One KnightsHeavy Armour, Shields, Lances, Full Command, Gleaming Pennant185 points
RBT1 Reaver Bolt Thrower2 Crew with Light Armour70 points
RBT2 Reaver Bolt Thrower2 Crew with Light Armour70 points
RBT3 Reaver Bolt Thrower2 Crew with Light Armour70 points
DW 5 Doomfire WarlocksMerchants of filth125 points
BM Bloodwrack Medusa90 points
Total: 2500 points
Nick Gentile: So primarily I put the list together because I wanted to finally paint a second army, so most of my unit choices were based around what I felt like painting, and also what I thought I could get painted in time for Castle Assault. So here it is;
The primary reason I took her was because she is 310 points and essentially it became a choice between her and another 21 Executioners...and then I read her rules. Having between 8 and 10 attacks at strength 10, re-rolling everything. Adding to that she is Leadership 10, so a great general and she powers up the Witch Elves to epic proportions. Needless to say at Castle Assault she never died once because there was never anything left to attack her back.The Dark Elf characters, with Hellebron front and centre |
The book of Ashur is an item I've always wanted to try and it didn't disappoint. The lore of Metal is relatively difficult cast and the +5 really made a big difference. I went with Metal over Shadow because in practice games the biggest problem for the list was armour not actually doing wounds, and added to that Final Trans is a spell that can put a game in your favour very quickly. She is on foot not because it's optimal, but because I love the foot Sorceress model.
Battle Standard on Foot
This guy is pretty straight forward 1+ re-roll strength 5, didn't need to be on a steed because most of the big points in the list were infantry.
Master on a Steed
This guy essentially was a much harder to kill, much more effective unit of Dark Riders. Being on a small base and Fast Cavalry, he can hunt warmachines, snipe wizards or redirect on a whim. Such an amazing character.
30 Witch Elves with Razor Standard
My main front line unit. So powerful with Hellebron in there. They control the board and really present an area on the board that no one wants to go near. Luckily at Castle Assault no one had the chaff or presence of mind to take control of their movement away from me.
10 Dark Shards with Banner and Muso
Originally they were in the list to be a bunker for the Sorceress but they were so handy at clearing chaff and adding to the volleys overall that they actually have never performed that role. I think in the current Meta small arms fire is a little underrated, especially considering this unit can pump out 20 shots a turn.
2x 5 Dark Riders
Really do what it says on the tin. Great at war machine hunting, redirecting and even just adding to the volley of shots if they don't have a more pressing mission. I was so surprised how much damage 2 units of 5 can put out from range.
3x Reaver Bolt Throwers
A no brainer in a competitive Elf list. So versatile and combined with Metal Magic actually give an amazing amount of board control from range.
21 Executioners
Such a great support/front line unit to help the Witch Elves. Strength 6 re-rolling 1s with Killing Blow means that opponents have a very difficult decision if they want to clean up big points, it's either these guys or Hellebron and the Witch Elves.
5 Cold Ones
A really effective unit to protect and flank and bolt throwers. This small unit is so useful as it doesn't panic off and packs enough punch that even monsters think twice before coming into charge range. Their leadership 9 combined with the gleaming pennant means that they are almost never failing a stupidity test.
5 Warlocks
The other no brainer in the book. Essentially for 125 points you get a 5 wound lvl 2 wizard with 10 Strength 4 attacks with poison that is fast cavalry, added to that is the fact that they get 2 of the best spells in available with Soulblight and Doombolt. Such a useful unit for any role in warhammer. Added to all of my shooting I found Soulblight was the main role I used them for, although I must admit I have only 6 dice bubbled it once.
1 Medusa
I really liked the model and had it painted for an objective marker at Castle Assault. I was interested to see how it went, but I'm not convinced it's any good.
So overall the list performed really well at Castle, it either had too much shooting for the enemy to handle or was too powerful in combat. I must admit I got a very good run of match ups, Empire with little shooting, Daemons with only 1 Skill Cannon, Beastmen with no Shooting, Dwarves in watchtower and finally High Elves. I really enjoyed the list, however I found overall that the book itself is overpowered. Everything in the army is just point for point so good at the role it performs that I would find myself giggling with glee at how ludicrously good everything was compared to what I was facing. Stupid Games Workshop.
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Deployment |
The Empire forces deployed, with Ludwig Schwartzhelm deciding to ride with the Reiksguard rather than babysitting Karl Franz too intently. |
The Dark Elf right flank, with a lot of vanguarding waiting to happen. |
The Supreme Sorceress leads the "sexecutioners" behind the front line. |
A Medusa! They do exist! |
The view from overhead. |
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The Dark Elves disrespect the deployment zone and vanguard. |
The Dark Riders lead the way round the first bend, with the Warlocks close behind. |
The Dark Riders on the other flank are more circumspect. That guy on the far end is the mounted hero. |
A combat twixt Mr. Gentile, health care
professional and shorts enthusiast, and Mr. Johnson, fiendish
hobby-type gentleman.
As told my Mr. Top, former minuter of
the Coal Creek Literary Festival, and slightly confused about what
Dark Elves do.
The forces:
The Empire of Krakenberg under Mr.
A large number of angry elves in eye
shadow under Mr. Gentile (and loving it!)
Gregory deploys on what shall now be
called the WEST flank.
Nicholas deploys on what shall
therefore be known as the EAST flank.
The forest he deploys his light horse
(dark riders) in is a normal forest. He declares this “the best
kind of forest!”
Owen is distracted by asteroids, but
nothing much seems to happen in his absence.
Greg is astounded that the Medusa is Mv
7. Fortunately he finds this out from the book before anything
starts. Owen is astounded that Gentile actually BOUGHT a copy of the
PDF, flying in the face of all knowledge of how the internet works.
Greg discovers he has ‘these guys’
and ‘…didn’t have to put the steamtank down.’
He places these guys in line with those
cold one riders, so they can charge one another through a forest. He
is a tactical genius.
Surprising no one, Gentile has
Greg takes photographs as the
deployment ends. He does this by standing on a chair like a boss. The
result of his photographic endeavors is that he knocks his mage off
the hill…
Owen commences to eat spheres with
evident relish.
Mr. Gentile vanguards like a mad thing
all over the place.
Empire Turn 1
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Empire Turn 1 |
Gregory takes the first turn.
No charges (Mr. Gentile is not that
enthusiastic a vanguard enthusiast!)
Greg wants to do things with his steam
tank, but has no artillery dice. Now he does. Four steam points
safely generated. The tank moseys towards the bolt thrower on one
steam point. 6 manly inches does it move.
Reiksgaurd and Ludwig cautiously wander
Halberdiers wobble forwards. Halflings
lurk behind them dreaming of the enormous rage they generate in Pete.
Other detachment wanders up a bit. The very big wolfy men are scared
of pansy elves, and putter forward a conservative distance. Greg’s
phone takes this opportunity to sing at him. There is a pause while
Greg offers tech support on iTunes or something.
The phase wot is after movement:
A total of THREE power dice – Greg
gets one for the hurricanum, Gentile has 2. No channels happen.
Greg hurls a middle level fireball at
the warlocks because no body likes them. This is not dispelled on two
dice. Greg declares he will ‘totally kill one warlock’ – he
actually kills two, having done a manly two wounds.
Boo yeah! My wound roll against the Warlocks. 7 hits, 2 wounds. At least Nick was a gentleman and failed all his saves. |
A panic test is taken.
A BSB is not in range.
A unit buggers off at great velocity,
and with a scatter dice for no reason.
The Warlocks run away from my fearsome Fireball skillz. Yeah, you better run! |
Steamtank cannon vs. Thrower of Bolts:
Cold one is hit, and slain! Bounces to bolt thrower, does all the
damage, and it is slain. Cold one knights “do not care cause they
are DUMB!” sayeth the President. Who proceeds to photograph things.
Mostly magic cards he left behind.
There is a brief delay to greet small
blond 40Kers.
The Steam Tank blows away one of the Bolt Throwers, as well as a Cold One Knight who got in the way. |
At the end of Empire Turn 1 |
Dark Elves Turn 1
Cold ones not stupid. Medusa takes some
sort of test, and passes it I think.
Cogitation of charges occurs. “I
reckon he wants to charge out” is the conclusion, and some mad hoon
on the edge of the dark rider unit hurls himself at the empire lines.
Greg disappears seeking sanitary relief, and Gentile ponders on.
Cue thinking music.
Tum te tum te tum te tum
Owen ponders what to have for dinner.
Gentile ponders charges and measures
things with wild abandon.
Greg returns, and the mad hoon decides
NOT to charge. Damn conservative hoons.
In the end, there are no charges, BUT
the warlocks rally. Greg is not best pleased at this turn of events.
Gentile looks slightly smugger than usual.
The Warlocks ignore my advice and rally. Stupid Warlocks. |
Dark riders rampage around onto the
hill and glare hard at the Halflings. The seem to share Pete’s
attitude to those of small size and hairy feet.
The Dark Riders menace the Empire left flank, and the poorly protected Wizard behind the front line. Those Halflings are Archers. Try to ignore Owen's insistence to the contrary... |
The mad hoon decides he wants to stand
on a hill, twixt a steam tank and a unit of very large wolves. Greg
is dubious. Gentile is railroading. The hoon is declared ‘feisty’.
Of course he's feisty. Look at that! The Lone Ranger rides forth by himself. |
The other fast and angry horse elves
decide to stand between the halberds and the house, cunningly angled
so anyone who charges them will be brained on the house.
Those Dark Riders are in my way. They can't park there! |
Sundry units mosey about a bit. They
have really big swords. I think they are the vaunted sexecutioners.
The medusa moves beside them and glares at things.
The cold one knights, lacking the feist
of the feisty hoon BACK AWAY! There is great consternation.
There’s also a bloody great unit of
longhaired bikini enthusastics in the middle of the table.
The Dark Elves close in, in the centre. |
Greg channels not. Gentile earns eight
of your mighty magic dice.
He plagues things with rust. Greg likes
his demigryphs, and saves them. Gentile remembers to channel, and
Greg attempts to distract Gentile by
singing ‘the final countdown’.
Gentile does six hits on something with
something else. Five wounds. It’s the steamtank, which has been
hit! Curse! Greg declares this event ‘significant’. This was
caused be searing doom, cast by the Leering Doom, which is Nick
Final trans on stank. It goes OFF! This
will cause stupidity tests everywhere! If a six is rolled there is
doom, but Mr. gentile would not POSSIBLY dare roll a six again having
rolled one for the searing doom. He does roll a six. There is about
seventeen minutes of unbridled joy and dancing from Gentile. He is
forced to tweet it at once.
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My beautiful Steam Tank! Actually, it does look kind of boss in gold. Stupid Final Transmutation... |
Gentile tells the first ‘that’s
what she said’ joke of the day.
Greg removes the steamtank, shedding a
single, manly tear for the fallen.
Gentile hurls one die at something
unimportant, and it does not go off.
Greg “take[s] some photos before
[gentile] shoots him”.
Medusa has done all sorts of things,
and needs 5s to hit. Scores 2. One wound caused on demigryphs. Ben
Leopold declares he likes her.
Xbowistas (or dark riders)shoot at
“them” – them turn out to be totally immune to their
Shots taken on detachment (probably by
Xbows but more likely dark riders). The Ogre is slain! Panic test
taken and passed. Karl tells them not to run away.
Xbows (really this time) shoot at
detachment and kill two of the foolish humans.
The Dark Elf shooting whittles down my Swordsman detachment. |
Bolt thrower –single bolt misses, the
other one hits but fails to wound on a two. The demigryphs sneer at
the feeble archery.
Here endeth the first part of our report. You can find part 2 here.
Hi guys!
ReplyDeleteGreat to see the report featuring the armies of both of you! I have also learned that you can export army lists from Battle Chronicler, how did I miss that! :) Looking forward to the rest of the story!
Cheers Swordmaster!
DeleteYes, if you put them in there you can get them out again, however the icons in the army lists will be grey. I had to update my blog's stylesheets to accommodate different colours (I think I needed half a dozen for one of the larger games), and then update the HTML that's coming out of Battle Chronicler. But I don't really know anything about such things, and I was able to figure it out. So it's achievable.
Great report, Owen's writing is evocative and comprehensive in an autistic, absinthe drinker kind of way. I've never met him, but already I deeply admire his scholarly skills. You need to get him back more, once he's finished chasing green fairies.
ReplyDeleteBoth armies look beautiful, and the terrain is lovely too. All up, a 10/10 for the battle report so far, you might get an 11 if you kill Hellebron.
In case you didn't realise, Owen is the man behind Terrain for Hippos. And if that doesn't serve as validation for your suspicions about his state of mind, I don't know what will...
DeleteThe green fairies are hippo fairies, no doubt.
No, Orc fairies. And I want that comment on the cover of any book I write. ANY book.
DeleteHmmm, orc fairies...