Wednesday 27 April 2022

Slow Grow and other sizable distractions

It's been a while since my last post, but that conceals the very stop-start nature of what I've been doing in the background. I managed to maintain my momentum painting those half-completed, Warriors, which meant I handily completed my monthly quota before the deadline.

They got painted, they just didn't make it into a proper light box. Oh well, you can see that they're done. This means I actually have 40 of these guys (including the filler) for my overall army now. I'm very happy about that.

I actually barreled through the Dwarfs so quickly that I started looking around for something else to knock over in the remaining time before the next month began, and this guy had been sitting undercoated on the table for months, so...

A Rogue Idol of Gork! This is a printed model designed by Emang (can you believe he's free?) The base he's standing on is actually an Arachnarok base, to give you some idea of his scale.
I'm actually pretty happy with how the painting came out on this guy. I didn't really know what I was doing. The glow around the face in particular is not something I normally mess around with, but it came out well enough.
He's covered in carved Orc glyphs as well as the odd shield for decoration. He's also covered in cracks, because I printed him hollow with the shell a bit too thin, didn't realise I had some clogging issues with air holes, and he cracked like crazy when I was trying to flush him out. Ironically he's made of rock, and this is probably the perfect model for this to happen to, but it was not intentional. I should have been more careful.

I knocked the old rock monster out pretty quickly now that I had finally gotten around to him, but then talk began of playing a big game to celebrate (or at least acknowledge) that the games club was about to change venues for the first time in over 20 years, and I started looking at all the River Trolls I had started painting years ago, and not made much progress with. So they made it out onto the painting table...

Help! I'm being swarmed by angry trolls!

Anyway, I didn't get them completely finished (that's a big job), but they did get to a point where they were usable. And the big game did happen. This is what it looked like...

Big, irresponsible games is what we do! And what we regret, of course. But look, the Landship is on the table! And the rock! So many things getting their first taste of battle.

A proper report will come once I finally get organised. In the meantime, I need to start thinking about what I should be painting for this month...

1 comment:

  1. This is excellent - really takes me back. I admire you guys for keeping the faith!
    Best wishes,
