the north they came. A fleet of ships led by the Black Arks of
Naggaroth landed on the shores of Ulthuan, and a tide of Dark Elves
and their Chaos allies swept across the land. The Witch King had
returned at last to claim his prize, and the High Elves were
powerless to stop him. In battle after battle, the forces of the Asur
were defeated. They had been unprepared for the size and savagery of
the invasion, and they stood on the brink of annihilation.
Avelorn, the very heart of Ulthuan, had been despoiled. Alarielle,
the newly crowned Everqueen, had narrowly avoided capture thanks to
the efforts of Prince Tyrion, descendant of Aenarion. Together they
had fled into the forests, but Tyrion was wounded and they were
finally run to ground by N'kari, a mighty Keeper of Secrets. Malekith
had bound the daemon to him with the promise of the Everqueen's soul,
and N'kari would not be denied by a wounded princeling. Sorely
wounded though he was, Tyrion rose to fight – and was batted aside
without a second thought. The devastation of her land had left
Alarielle incapable of defending herself, and it seemed her fate was
was then that Tyrion's brother Teclis finally arrived. Where Tyrion
had become a warrior of renown, Teclis had been mastering his studies
at the White Tower and was now a mage of incredible power. No sooner
had be arrived than he banished N'kari from the mortal plane and
healed his wounded brother as he lay dying. He then guided the
Everqueen and her protector clear of the Druchii net that had been
closing around them, and they rejoined the remaining forces of the
Asur as they mustered on the Plain of Finuval.
Finuval Plain |
A High Elf temple in one corner of the field. Thanks, Hamish! |
situation was not lost upon Malekith. On the other side of the plain,
his vast forces gathered, preparing to crush this final act of
defiance. Prisoners were sacrificed and daemons were summoned. N'kari
himself was dragged back to the material plane with the sacrifice of
1000 screaming victims, his mind fixed upon the twin descendants of
Aenarion and his revenge. Hordes of armoured Chaos Warriors honed
their weapons and prepared for battle. The Witch King was ready.
After 5000 years of exile, Ulthuan would finally be his.
The Armies
The Dark Host of Malekith, Witch King of Naggaroth
Mal Malekith the Witch KingRiding Sulekh, Emperor Black Dragon1160 points
Nkar N'kariExalted Keeper of Secrets, Daemon Lore of Slaanesh775 points
Hell HellebronRiding Cauldron of Blood500 points
UP Urian PoisonbladeThe Witch King's Champion410 points
BSB1 BSB 1On Cold One with Heavy Armour, Sea Dragon Cloak, Great Weapon, Banner of Nagarythe221 points
BSB2 BSB 2On Cold One with Heavy Armour, Sea Dragon Cloak, Great Weapon, Dawn Stone142 points
BSB3 Death Hag BSBWitch Brew140 points
Drg1 Dreadlord on Dragon 1Heavy Armour, Sea Dragon Cloak, Shield, Lance464 points
Drg2 Dreadlord on Dragon 2Heavy Armour, Sea Dragon Cloak, Shield, Lance464 points
Drg3 Supreme Sorceress on DragonLevel 4, Lore of Metal, Black Amulet580 points
Peg Supreme Sorceress on PegasusLevel 4, Lore of Death, Talisman of Protection315 points
Keep Keeper of SecretsLevel 4, Lore of Shadows, Ogre Blade530 points
Mnt1 Beastmaster on Manticore 1Blind Rage, Iron-Hard Skin345 points
Mnt2 Beastmaster on Manticore 2Blind Rage, Iron-Hard Skin345 points
DPoS Daemon Prince of SlaaneshChaos Armour, Flying, Scaly Skin, Sword of Might335 points
Sp1 60 Dreadspears 1Full Command. Includes Assassin with 2 Hand Weapons, Dark Venom682 points
Sp2 60 Dreadspears 2Full Command. Includes Assassin with 2 Hand Weapons, Dark Venom682 points
Sp3 50 Dreadspears 3Full Command480 points
Sp4 28 Dreadspears 4Full Command282 points
Sp5 25 Dreadspears 5Full Command. Includes 5(!!) Assassins with 2 Hand Weapons, Dark Venom815 points
XBw1 26 Darkshard Crossbowmen 1Full Command342 points
XBw2 26 Darkshard Crossbowmen 2Full Command, Shields368 points
XBw3 26 Darkshard Crossbowmen 3Full Command342 points
XBw4 20 Darkshard Crossbowmen 4Full Command270 points
XBw5 10 Darkshard Crossbowmen 5120 points
WE1 80 Witch Elves 1Full Command, Razor Standard955 points
WE2 40 Witch Elves 2Full Command470 points
Cor1 50 Corsairs 1Full Command580 points
Cor2 40 Corsairs 2Full Command470 points
Cor3 38 Corsairs 3Full Command448 points
DR1 15 Dark Riders 1Spears, Repeater Crossbows285 points
DR2 10 Dark Riders 2Spears, Repeater Crossbows190 points
DR3 9 Dark Riders 3Spears, Repeater Crossbows, Champion, Musician191 points
DoS 30 Daemonettes of SlaaneshFull Command. Includes a Herald with Greater Locus of Swiftness530 points
CWoS 30 Chaos Warriors of SlaaneshFull Command, Halberds, Shields600 points
Ex1 40 Executioners 1Full Command510 points
Ex2 30 Executioners 2Full Command390 points
CoK1 11 Cold One Knights 1Full Command. Includes Master on Cold One with Heavy Armour, Sea Dragon Cloak, Great Weapon426 points
CoK2 10 Cold One Knights 2Full Command330 points
CoK3 10 Cold One Knights 3Full Command330 points
CoK4 11 Cold One Knights 4Full Command360 points
BG1 24 Black Guard 1Full Command. Includes Assassin with 2 Hand Weapons, Dark Venom502 points
BG2 20 Black Guard 2Full Command. Includes Assassin with 2 Hand Weapons, Dark Venom442 points
H1 10 Harpies 1150 points
H2 10 Harpies 2150 points
H3 10 Harpies 3150 points
H4 10 Harpies 4150 points
H5 10 Harpies 5150 points
Char1 Cold One Chariot 11 point
Char2 Cold One Chariot 21 point
Char3 Cold One Chariot 31 point
Char4 Cold One Chariot 41 point
Sh1 10 Shades 12 Hand Weapons180 points
Sh2 10 Shades 22 Hand Weapons180 points
RBT1 3 Reaper Bolt Throwers 1210 points
RBT2 5 Reaper Bolt Throwers 2350 points
RBT3 3 Reaper Bolt Throwers 3210 points
Hyd1 Hydra 1Fiery Breath180 points
Hyd2 Hydra 2Fiery Breath180 points
Hyd3 Hydra 3Fiery Breath180 points
Hyd4 Hydra 4Fiery Breath180 points
Hyd5 Hydra 5Fiery Breath180 points
Hyd6 Hydra 6Fiery Breath180 points
Hyd7 Hydra 7Fiery Breath180 points
Chos 30 Chaos Chosen of SlaaneshFull Command, Great Weapons, Shields, Banner of Swiftness750 points
CKoS 20 Chaos Knights of SlaaneshFull Command. Includes Chaos Lord of Slaanesh with Barded Steed, Chaos Armour, Daemonblade, Shield1204 points
FoS 4 Fiends of Slaanesh260 points
DW 5 Doomfire Warlocks125 points
K Kharibdyss160 points
Shag Dragon Ogre ShaggothGreat Weapon227 points
Giant Chaos Giant of Slaanesh227 points
Total: 25215 points
The Last Stand of Alarielle the Radiant, Everqueen of the Asur
Alar Alarielle the RadiantThe Everqueen350 points
Tyr Prince TyrionChampion of the Everqueen410 points
Tec Teclis450 points
Drag1 Prince on Star Dragon 1General of Caledor. Armour of Destiny, Shield, Great Weapon589 points
BSB1 BSB 1Banner of Avelorn, Heavy Armour139 points
BSB2 BSB 2Armour of Caledor, Great Weapon149 points
BSB3 BSB 3Barded Steed, Dragon Armour, Shield, Dawn Stone147 points
Drag2 Prince on Star Dragon 2Dragon Armour, Shield, Lance560 points
Drag3 Prince on Star Dragon 3Dragon Armour, Shield, Lance560 points
Drag4 Prince on Star Dragon 4Dragon Armour, Shield, Lance560 points
Drag5 Archmage on Star DragonLevel 4, Lore of Metal, Talisman of Protection655 points
Drag6 Archmage on Moon DragonLevel 4, Lore of Heavens, Talisman of Endurance550 points
Drag7 Prince on Moon DragonDragon Armour, Shield, Lance470 points
Drag8 Prince on Sun DragonDragon Armour, Shield, Lance405 points
DM Dragon MageLevel 2, Dragon Armour, Enchanted Shield400 points
Griff Noble on GriffonDragon Armour, Shield, Great Weapon, Swift Sense, Swooping Strike281 points
NobE 3 Nobles on EaglesShredding Talons, Swift Sense, Dragon Armour, Shield, Lance. Operating as a single unit441 points
Sp1 60 Spearmen 1Full Command570 points
Sp2 40 Spearmen 2Full Command390 points
Sp3 40 Spearmen 3Full Command390 points
SG11 50 Sea Guard 1Full Command. Includes Noble with Dragon Armour, Great Weapon664 points
SG12 40 Sea Guard 2Full Command (Maiden Guard)470 points
A1 40 Archers 1Full Command430 points
A2 40 Archers 2Full Command430 points
A3 35 Archers 3Full Command380 points
A4 30 Archers 4Full Command330 points
A5 28 Archers 5Full Command310 points
SH1 17 Silver Helms 1Full Command. Includes 2 Nobles with Barded Steed, Dragon Armour, Shield, Great Weapon600 points
SH2 16 Silver Helms 2Full Command. Includes Noble with Barded Steed, Dragon Armour, Shield495 points
SH3 12 Silver Helms 3Full Command306 points
ER1 15 Ellyrian Reavers 1Spears and Bows285 points
ER2 10 Ellyrian Reavers 2Spears and Bows190 points
ER3 10 Ellyrian Reavers 3Spears and Bows190 points
WL1 80 White Lions 1Full Command, Banner of Swiftness1085 points
WL2 30 White Lions 2Full Command420 points
WL3 25 White Lions 3Full Command355 points
WL4 21 White Lions 4Full Command. Includes Noble with Dragon Armour, Great Weapon374 points
WL5 23 White Lions 5Full Command. Includes Noble with Dragon Armour, Great Weapon400 points
WL6 18 White Lions 6Full Command264 points
SM1 52 Swordmasters 1Full Command, Lichebone Standard. Includes Loremaster and Noble with Dragon Armour, Great Weapon1009 points
SM2 31 Swordmasters 2Full Command. Includes Noble with Dragon Armour, Great Weapon504 points
SM3 21 Swordmasters 3Full Command. Includes Noble with Dragon Armour, Great Weapon374 points
PG1 41 Phoenix Guard 1Full Command, Razor Standard. Includes Annointed of Asuryan885 points
PG2 20 Phoenix Guard 2Full Command330 points
PG3 20 Phoenix Guard 3Full Command330 points
DP1 20 Dragon Princes 1Full Command, Rampager's Standard. Includes Noble with Barded Steed, Dragon Armour, Shield733 points
DP2 15 Dragon Princes 2Full Command465 points
DP3 10 Dragon Princes 3Full Command320 points
SW 10 Shadow Warriors140 points
LC1 2 Lion Chariots 1Operating as single unit240 points
LC2 2 Lion Chariots 2Operating as single unit240 points
TC1 2 Tiranoc Chariots 1140 points
TC2 2 Tiranoc Chariots 2140 points
TC3 2 Tiranoc Chariots 3140 points
TC4 2 Tiranoc Chariots 4140 points
BT1 6 Bolt Throwers 1420 points
BT2 4 Bolt Throwers 2280 points
BT3 Bolt Throwers 370 points
BT4 Bolt Throwers 470 points
Sis1 10 Sisters of Avelorn 1140 points
Sis2 10 Sisters of Avelorn 2140 points
GE1 8 Great Eagles 1Swift Sense, Shredding Talons520 points
GE2 5 Great Eagles 2Swift Sense, Shredding Talons325 points
Phnx Flamespyre Phoenix225 points
Frost1 Frostheart Phoenix 1240 points
Frost2 Frostheart Phoenix 2240 points
Frost3 Frostheart Phoenix 3240 points
Total: 25484 points
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Right-click and open link in a new tab to view a larger version. |
The armies face off across the plain as Mr Gentile's short shorts rise in the east, casting an eerie glow across the proceedings. |
The Dark Elf left flank, packed full of Witch Elves |
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Hellebron commands the left flank |
The Dark Elf right flank, composed heavily of their Chaos allies |
The daemon N'kari leads the flank, intent bent on vengeance upon the twins Tyrion and Teclis |
The Dark Elf centre, commanded by the Witch King himself |
Malekith's enormous mount gives him a good view of proceedings |
The High Elf right flank, composed heavily of warriors from Caledor and their dragon allies |
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A prince of Caledor commands the flank |
The High Elf right flank, with a strong Saphery contingent, led by Teclis |
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Hard to see past that Phoenix isn't it, Teclis? Leading from the rear, and all that |
The High Elf centre, deployed well back from the centre line. Apparently a unit of 80 White Lions was not enough to make Mr Gentile want to deploy up on the line. |
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That blur up the back is Alarielle. Unfortunately the Eagle in front was of more interest to the camera's focus, it seems. |
forces were arrayed, and the generals were waiting for any last
orders before they withdrew to their various commands. Even as
Alarielle prepared herself to address them however, a voice rang out
across the plain. It was unnatural; presumably some dark sorcery of
Malekith amplified it and gave it the strength to carry clearly to
all assembled on the field. All eyes were drawn toward a lone, dark
figure standing in the centre of the battlefield.
am Urian Poisonblade, and I bring death in the name of the Witch
King! Is there one amongst you with the courage to meet my challenge?
Who will be the first of the Asur to die today?”
was a collective murmur amongst the High Elf lines. The name Urian
was known to them; he was the Witch King's personal champion, and the
most deadly warrior alive. Did any of them dare meet his challenge?
Defeat would not just mean death – it would be demoralising for the
army. But to decline the challenge might be worse.
breathed a small sigh of relief when a voice rang out from amongst
the assembled High Elves. An armour-clad warrior strode forth to meet
Urian. It was Arhalien of Yvresse. A good choice; he was one of the
mightiest warriors in the High Elf army. His armour glittered with
enchantment, and his blade glowed sullenly with hidden power. Surely
so great a knight as he would have as good a chance as any?
Everqueen's hopes were dashed even as the duel commenced. With his
very first blow, faster than the eye could follow and before Arhalien
could bring his own blade to bear, Urian removed his head from his
shoulders. He flicked the blood from his blade dismissively and
turned to shout once more at the High Elves, as Arhalien's headless
body crumpled to the ground behind him.
you send me children? Are you such cowards that you hide behind the
skirts of your lesser warriors, or was that truly the best you can
offer me?”
time the murmur in the Asur lines was more of a moan. They all knew
how great a warrior Arhalien had been, and they had seen him slain
without even striking a blow. There was no hope; none could best
Urian in a duel.
a single voice rang out clearly in answer. It was Korhian Ironglaive,
captain of the White Lions. Another good choice, but would he fare
any better than Arhalien?
again Urian waited for his opponent to prepare, and then launched his
assault. Perhaps forewarned by the manner of Arhalien's demise,
Korhian was prepared and defended staunchly before making an attack
of his own. His skill was evident, and it was a better fight than the
previous one, but he was still outmatched. Soon he too lay dead at
Urian's feet.
High Elf lines began to quaver and moan. They had assembled to do
battle, but all it would take was a single unstoppable warrior for
their resistance to end. Urian turned once more to hurl an insult at
the enemy army, but paused mid-sentence when he saw that an opponent
was already on his way. His armour shone gold in the early morning
sun, and it took Alarielle a moment to register that Tyrion was no
longer at her side. Her heart skipped a beat as she realised that her
love was heading to almost certain death at the hands of this evil
killing machine.
of the generals around the Everqueen glanced her way, but they saw no
emotion on her face. She could not show fear. This was going badly
enough already...
0: The Duel
Prince Tyrion faces off with Urian Poisonblade in the centre of the field |
and again, the warriors circled and attacked each other. Blades
flashed and sparked. Before long both of them bore wounds, but
neither slowed as a result; neither could afford to slow at all. A
moment's hesitation would mean death. Both Tyrion and Urian were
raining deadly blows upon each other, but lightning reflexes and
enchanted armour kept them both in the fight where a lesser warrior
would long since have fallen.
duel continued with relentless fury, but at last it seemed that Urian
might have gained the upper hand. Three times he had forced telling
blows past Tyrion's defences, and the High Elf Prince was beginning
to limp and slow. Sensing victory, Urian moved in for the kill and
was nearly rewarded with a fatal wound as Tyrion showed that his
sword arm had lost none of its venom. However, it was a temporary
reprieve for the Prince and finally he staggered and appeared to
slip. Urian leapt for the kill, however the protection of the armour
of Aenarion was not easily avoided, and the blow failed to land true.
Tyrion's reponse left many to question whether he had actually
slipped at all, or if it had been a ruse. With a sudden lunge to meet
his opponent, he swept his flaming blade up in a brutal double-handed
blow, hacking his dread enemy in half.
it was the turn of the Druchii to doubt. Their untouchable assassin
had fallen, and Malekith himself hissed a curse at this unexpected
turn of events. This was in stark contrast to the High Elves, who
surged forward with a triumphant roar. Tyrion's steed Malhandir was
at their forefront, and the wounded Prince hauled himself into his
saddle as the lines began to converge on his position.
After a quick wardrobe change (his other outfit was covered in Urian's blood), Tyrion mounts up and stands alone against the Dark Elf legions |
Click here to read about Turn 1.
Click here to go back to the Finuval Plain main page.
A new meaning of "legendary epicness".
ReplyDeleteA suitably epic beginning - can't wait to read about the battle!
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely amazing. The amount of envy that I have at this moment cannot be described. I look forward to seeing how the battle unfolds. Thanks for all of the hard work of sharing this with us!
ReplyDeleteI get a weird sense of awe looking at those two armies displayed. It's very impressive (and a terrifying number of brush hours!) congratulations to all the contributors. That dragon Malekith is on is probably the single biggest I've seen! Really looking forward to the rest of this battle, especially if it's done in a narrative style, rather than a reiteration of dice rolls! Excellent effort.
ReplyDeleteYeah, battles like this are not really worth the trouble if all you're going to do is take some photos and tell people how you rolled. It's a waste of good material!
DeleteVery, very cool! Love the duel that precedes the battle! Am excited to follow the rest of the action!
ReplyDeleteYeah, the duel lends a sense of occasion to proceedings. I'm glad we did it.
DeleteThanks all for the positive comments
ReplyDeleteThis is easily described in one word: AWESOME!!!!! .....sprinkled with a bit of HOLY CRAP THAT'S FREAKING AWESOME!!!!!!