Thursday, 24 April 2014

Duelling Gamers - Month 1 target complete!

Well we have nearly a week left to go in the first month of the Tale of Duelling Gamers, but my target for the month is complete! This is very pleasing given how long it took me to get working on my quota, but it's a tribute to how small I deliberately made my target. Turns out I was slightly conservative in what I thought I could get done, but I still had to apply myself.

The final few models for this month are as follows:
This is the old Dwarf Queen Helga model, which appeared as part of the Grudge of Drong campaign supplement. Her face looks a lot cleaner when the camera has not zoomed in so unforgivingly upon her. You'll just have to take my word for it. Stupid clear photos...
See, the detail on her face looks fine from this angle.
I don't remember if she came with a particular shield (I got her second-hand anyway). I chose an old shield that won't blend in with my regiments. It's retro, like the lady herself.
The final 3 Slayers to round out my quota of 15 for the month.
These guys are all relatively recent sculpts.
Finally, I have actually painted a crew for one of my Dwarf Cannons. No more stealing the Stone Thrower crew for me...
These guys don't belong together. I think the middle guy is the odd one out. No doubt there is a very old crewman kicking around with 2 more recent ones somewhere. No matter.
This guy cracks me up. He looks like he's had a nasty blow to the head, or maybe just had a hard night/morning on the ale. I think he shall be called Woozi from now on. Not that all my war machine crew need names. That would be crazy...
And my full target for the month, in all their not-unpainted glory! Hooray for achievable targets.
So what's next? My crystal ball/spreadsheet tells me that I have decided to paint up 16 Quarrellers and 5 more Slayers! Can I face more Slayers so soon after this lot? Might have to revise that target a little before the new month kicks in.


  1. Huzzah for achievable goals! The dwarves look great. Sorry for all the post necromancy but I've just been catching up on a months worth of your posts.

    1. Haha not a problem, this particular post is even recent! It's like you're up-to-date!

  2. Looking great! I think one never gets tired of painting the pure awesome that are slayers :)

  3. Finished already?! I'm not even halfway done with my target! Clearly it's better to be conservative and get things finished, than bite off more than you can chew and not get things done in time, which is how it's looking for me!

    1. Yeah, given this challenge is a long-haul one, I figure it's better to be conservative rather than thrash yourself and burn out. Just think, given your guys are twice the height of mine, it's like you're painting twice as many guys! :P

  4. Queen Helga looks really nice, as does your slayers and cannon, grats on completing your 1st month target.

  5. Welcome to a completely fresh experience: completing your targets before me.
    I have nine figures to go...

    1. Yes, you have been unnaturally slow this month. Maybe it was something you ate.

  6. Great effort and at a very high standard, I really like the older dwarves my son has some that he nicked off me and I regret letting them go..... Well actually I don't as he now plays warhammer against me. Achievable goals that is the way to go. I am glad it is based on cost not points as I would have to paint a lot of zombies if it was 100 points not $100.
