Cancon is done and dusted for another year, and I survived once again. Honestly survival was one of my key motivators this year - the conditions were pretty oppressive at times in terms of heat and humidity, and despite spending the first day of the convention just wandering around and talking to people, I was exhausted. So I was really worried about how I'd hold up over the next 2 days when I'd also be playing 7 games of Kings of War. Suffice to say I decided I'd be happy with being able to walk out the door at the finish, so I was determined not to exhaust myself over-thinking my games.
As I mentioned previously, I decided to take Elves to the tournament. I had basically never used them before (I did once when the 2nd edition rules were still in beta), and I hadn't played any other games of KoW in a year either. So I was going to be a bit rusty, even if I did want to be competitive. This also contributed to my "take it easy" philosophy. I was there to blow off the cobwebs, play a few games, meet some people, and generally make up the numbers...
This was my army list:
- The Green Lady with 1 Sabre-Toothed Pussycat
- Tree Herder
- Drakon Rider Lord
- Elven Mage with Fireball, Bane Chant
- Horde of Therennian Sea Guard with Chant of Hate
- Regiment of Palace Guard
- Regiment of Stormwind Cavalry with Potion of the Caterpillar
- Green Lady's Wild Guard (Regiment of fancy Hunters of the Wild)
- Horde of Forest Shamblers
- Bolt Thrower
- Bolt Thrower
I had intended to try to paint up a new regiment of Stormwind Cavalry for the event, but ended up being extremely busy in the lead-up and it soon became apparent it wasn't going to happen. I didn't even really finish the Green Lady, but she was usable enough.
Anyway, this is how things went on the day...
Game 1: Scavenge
Tony Winmill, Goblins
Tony was very nice and helpful, happy to explain how the scenario worked and also what this "Blood boil" spell was that he was carrying on his 3 wizards. It was quickly becoming apparent to me that my lack of practice would be exacerbated by my lack of familiarity with the Clash of Kings rules. Oh well, what was the worst that could happen?
The first game was always going to be rough. I had never deployed this army before, and had to try to remember rules and other inconvenient things...