Another day, another attempted battle report
I decided it would be fun to finish the year with a large battle report, since it had been a while since I put one up. Having worked out that I could muster 6,000 points of Empire when I did the recent
photo shoot, this became the game size and my Orcs and Goblins were chosen as the opposition. The infamous Peter Spiller (who destroyed me so tragically in the final round of
the Masters) volunteered to take control of the greenskins, whilst Shags generously agreed to perform the duties of Head Scribe, and so we had everything we needed in place.
We decided to play Battle for the Pass, to see whether it made the game more interesting to be forced to organise things in waves and press forward that way. We also used the Wild Magic rule from Storm of Magic - 4D6 power dice with the opponent receiving the highest 2 dice for dispelling. Other than that, it was a pretty standard approach to a game of Warhammer.
I will admit that not a lot of planning went into this game. We decided we would do it only a few days before the fact, and the game was played in a slightly hurried fashion because I needed to leave the club earlier than usual. It also made taking decent photos more difficult, with the poor light, my limited skills and my hardworking camera phone not helping the situation either. I think in future we will need to make a point of better planning these things in order to have a better chance of achieving a good result. Anyway, here is what we ended up with...
The Empire Army
Arch Lector of Sigmar (Army General)
Barding; Prayers of Sigmar; Shield; Warhorse
The Mace of Helstrum
Dawn Armour
Templar Grand Master
Barding; Full Plate Armor; Warhorse
Dawn Stone
Crown of Command
General of the Empire on Pegasus
Full Plate Armor
Sword of Bloodshed
Potion of Strength
Enchanted Shield
Wizard Lord of the Amethyst Order
Magic Level 4; Lore of Death; Warhorse
Talisman of Preservation
Templar Grand Master
Barding; Full Plate Armor; Shield; Warhorse
Sword of Sigismund
Holy Relic
Barding; Full Plate Armor; Battle Standard; Warhorse
Charmed Shield
White Cloak
Warrior Priest
Barding; Prayers of Sigmar; Great Weapon; Warhorse
Armour of Destiny
Warrior Priest of Sigmar
Prayers of Sigmar; Great Weapon
Armour of Meteoric Iron
Master Engineer
Battle Wizard of the Amber Order
Magic Level 2; Lore of Beasts
Grey Guardian
Magic Level 2; Lore of Shadow
40 Spearmen
Spear; Light Armour; Standard; Musician; Sergeant
58 Halberdiers
Halberd; Light Armour; Standard; Musician; Sergeant
30 Free Company
2nd Weapon; Standard; Musician; Sergeant
29 Flagellant Warbands (Core)
Frenzy; Flail
30 Knightly Orders
Barding; Full Plate Armor; Standard; Musician; Warhorse; Preceptor
Standard of Discipline
10 Crossbowmen
10 Handgunners
Empire Handgun
35 Greatswords
Great Weapon; Full Plate Armor; Standard; Musician; Count's Champion
18 Knights of the Inner Circle
Barding; Lance; Full Plate Armor; Shield; Standard; Musician; Warhorse; Preceptor
The Steel Standard
13 Knights of the Inner Circle
Barding; Lance; Full Plate Armor; Shield; Standard; Musician; Warhorse; Preceptor
Banner of Swiftness
5 Pistoliers
Brace of Pistols; Light Armour; Musician; Warhorse; Outrider with Repeater Pistol
5 Outriders
Repeater Handgun; Light Armour; Musician; Warhorse
1 Great Cannon
1 Great Cannon
1 Mortar
1 Steam Tank
1 Helstorm Rocket Battery
TOTAL: 5998 points
There was not a lot of thought required when constructing this list - it was really a case of using everything I had painted. There was the odd painted Spearman or Free Company model left over, but I pretty much cleaned out my cases. Given the choice of 2 middling units of 15 White Wolves or a single horde of 30, I went for the horde. I don't get to use it in normal games, and I figured I could well be looking at units of Black Orcs that could wipe out 15 knights in a single round.
From a balance perspective, my list lacks shooting. 10 Handgunners and 10 Crossbowmen do not a 6,000pt army make. My artillery contingent is no larger than what a lot of Empire players would field in an army a third of the size, so I guess that means I'm a bit light on. The points have all really gone into Knights, which I am OK with. I like my cavalry and they have been my best investment in points in my tournament armies all year.
The Orc and Goblin Horde
Black Orc Warboss (Army General)
Armour of Destiny
Ironcurse Icon
Black Orc Warboss on Wyvern
Heavy Armour
Enchanted Shield
Talisman of Preservation
Black Orc Warboss on Wyvern
Heavy Armour; Shield
Dawn Stone
Orc Great Shaman
Magic Level 3; Big Waagh; Choppa
Dispel Scroll
Goblin Great Shaman
Magic Level 3; Little Waagh
Feedback Scroll
Goblin Warboss
Light Armour; Shield
Wizarding Hat
Black Orc Big Boss
Heavy Armour; Battle Standard
Obsidian Lodestone
Goblin Big Boss on Gigantic Spider
Great Weapon; Shield
Gambler's Armour
Potion of Foolhardiness
Savage Orc Shaman
Frenzy; Magic Level 2; Big Waagh; Choppa
Lucky Shrunken Head
33 Savage Big 'Uns
Frenzy; Second Choppa; Warpaint; Standard; Musician; Boss
40 Orc Boyz
Second Choppa; Light Armour; Standard; Musician; Boss
25 Orc Boyz
Choppa; Light Armour; Shield; Standard; Musician; Boss
36 Night Goblins
Netters; Shield; Standard; Musician; Boss
3 Fanatics
35 Night Goblins
Netters; Shield; Standard; Musician; Boss
3 Fanatics
20 Goblin Wolf Riders
Spear; Light Armour; Shield; Standard; Musician; Boss
5 Forest Goblin Spider Riders
Spear; Shield; Musician
5 Forest Goblin Spider Riders
Spear; Shield; Musician
50 Black Orcs
Heavy Armour; Shield; Standard; Musician; Boss
Banner of Swiftness
Orc Boar Chariot
Orc Boar Chariot
Wolf Chariot
Spear; Short Bow
Wolf Chariot
Spear; Short Bow
Wolf Chariot
Spear; Short Bow; Extra Wolf
14 Savage Boar Boyz
Frenzy; Choppa; Spear; Warpaint; Shield; Standard; Musician; Boss
8 Trolls
Rock Lobber
Rock Lobber
TOTAL: 5999 points
A few notes should be made here. Firstly, Pete had included 2 Doom Divers in his army. However, when we were unpacking the stuff, we could find the little bat-winged loonies, but not their catapults. This resulted in a quick reshuffle that saw the second Giant drafted into the list. Not ideal for the balance of the army. Also note that Pete appears to have forgotten to pay for the extra magic levels on his Orc and Goblin Great Shamans. They played as level 4s during the game. A little greenskin trickery, no doubt...
For all that my Orcs and Goblins can easily accommodate 6,000 points, the list lacks a bit of balance in a similar manner to my Empire. I don't have much painted shooting (a problem exacerbated by the issue I mentioned above). I also don't have any of the tricks introduced in the 8th edition army book - Mangler Squigs, Arachnaroks, or even Pump Wagons (which were available before, but nowhere near as lethal). My focus on painting Empire all year has resulted in my Orcs being a bit out of date - a problem I will need to address soon.
The battlefield |
The forces of the Empire are arrayed for battle |
The Empire deployed in a solid mass across the pass. In the centre were the White Wolf Knights, led by the Arch Lector, Templar Grand Master and Wizard Lord. Immediately behind the White Wolves were the Halberdiers, led by the Warrior Priest and the Amber Battle Wizard. To the left were the Knights Snow Leopard (the larger unit of Inner Circle Knights) led by the other Grand Master and the BSB. Between those units were the Spearmen, deployed in a deep formation. Hard on the left flank were the Pistoliers, with the Outriders behind them and the Handgunners at the back.On the right of the White Wolves was the Steam Tank, followed by the Free Company. Behind them were the Greatswords led by the Grey Wizard, and the Crossbowmen were in turn behind the Greatswords. On the right flank were the Flagellants, with the remaining regiment of Knights behind them, led by the mounted Warrior Priest. The Pegasus lurked behind the Knights, with the Empire artillery positioned on the highest point of the hill, giving them a commanding view of the field.
As seen from the front |