now well over a week since Cancon was run and won, but I am only now
getting around to writing up my usual post-tournament report. This
was partly because I was still recovering from a long weekend of
travel, gaming and not really enough sleep. It hasn't been helped by
the apparent death of my normal computer. I think the hard drive
caught the BUS only to RAM into your Mother(board)... I don't know
what's wrong with it, other than it failing to boot makes me want to
boot it somewhere. Ironic, eh?
EDIT: I am now posting this some 5 days after I wrote the stuff above, and nothing much has changed. Computer is still dead, and it's now 2 weeks since Cancon. As such, I thought I had better post what I had, rather than waiting until I had written up all 3 of my first day games. So, this post is only the first game. Sorry...
these things aside I still have a report to write. Cancon is an epic
8 games over 3 days, so there is even more reporting to do than for
most events. So I shall give up on my usual promise to try to keep
things short (which seems to fail anyway) and just get on with
army I entered had a theme of sorts, in that it had Flagellants. Lots
of Flagellants. For all the people who kept trying to call them
Fanatics over the course of the weekend, they are not called that.
Fanatics are small, green, and whirly. My army was somewhat slanted
as a result of all these Flagellants, and ended up with no shooting
whatsoever. It did have some magic (included partly with the intent
of trying to make the Flagellants more impressive), but its ranged
prowess was limited. I shall repeat the list here, although I did
discuss it a bit before.
My Empire army for Cancon. |
Lector on War Altar with Great Weapon, Heavy Armour, Shield, White
Cloak of Ulric
Lord of the Light Order (Level 3) on Warhorse with Scroll of
Shielding, Talisman of Endurance
of the Empire with Battle Standard on Barded Steed with Full Plate
Armour, Shield, Sword of Might, Dawn Stone
Wizard of the Amber Order (Level 1) on Warhorse with Dragonbane Gem
Knights of the Inner Circle with Lances, Standard, Musician, Banner
of Swiftness
Knightly Orders with Great Weapons, Standard, Musician
Knightly Orders with Lances
Demigryph Knights with Lances, Standard, Musician
Army Cost: 2400
Swedish Score: 15.3