Monday, 24 February 2014

Cancon game 4 - the other side of the story

The view from the other side (photo stolen without permission from Swordmaster in an attempt at petty vengeance! Ha!)
As promised in my previous post, my round 4 Cancon opponent Swordmaster is a prolific writer of battle reports online, and his account of our game can now be seen on the Warhammer Forum. Go have a look if you've got a few minutes. 


  1. Thanks a lot for posting a link to my report! I greatly enjoyed our game and who knows, we might meet again! :)

    It was a great thing to observe the same battle from the point of view of both players! I hope that readers of your blog will appreciate that rare occasion when they have a chance to read a double report from the same game!


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  2. This was neat. I don't even play Warhammer, but I like reading battle reports...and seeing a fight from both sides was an interesting experience.

    My compliments to you both.

  3. Thanks guys. It is indeed an unusual and interesting exercise.
